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Private course note allows a user to write down notes specific to the module / course.

  • The admin(s) will not be notified when the user writes down a note.
  • Users can update their own notes as often as needed.

User-specific question and answer allows admin(s) to reply to user-specific questions.

  • Admin(s) will be notified when the user writes down a question.
  • Users will be notified when the admin(s) reply.
  • Users cannot change the question once the admin(s) have replied.

Admin-initiated comment allows admins to add a comment / content to a page that is specific to each user.

  • Users will not be notified when the comment is created.
  • Users cannot reply to the comment.

Admin reviewed answer is used with the Note objective, which is only marked as completed when the admin(s) approve the answer.

  • Admin(s) will be notified when the user submits a note.
  • Users will be notified when the admin(s) reply.
  • Users cannot change the note once the admin(s) have replied.
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